And they are probably cashing in big on Project Ukraine... RANDOM NOTE: Can't comment about the stock, but they were a good company to work for which says alot - A now retired relative had gone to work for them after they were more or less forced out of Raytheon for being "too old" and they (being an American company) was doing this sort of age discrimination with other employees (he was in perfect health and ex-military BUT obviously less "useful" contact/connectionwise the longer you are out of the military + earning "too much")...
And they are probably cashing in big on Project Ukraine... RANDOM NOTE: Can't comment about the stock, but they were a good company to work for which says alot - A now retired relative had gone to work for them after they were more or less forced out of Raytheon for being "too old" and they (being an American company) was doing this sort of age discrimination with other employees (he was in perfect health and ex-military BUT obviously less "useful" contact/connectionwise the longer you are out of the military + earning "too much")...
That’s an interesting “random note” also says something about Raytheon 🤔